Irish volunteers and Irish donations have transformed Vesnova Orphanage- transforming the lives of the 170+ children there, transforming the physical living conditions .
Medical and Building Teams regularly visit to ensure important children's care issues, maintenance and building projects are monitored and completed. In total Irish people have donated close to €2million euro to Vesnova through Chernobyl Children International

Monday, December 2, 2013

4. The Children of Vesnova Orphanage Part II

From early morning until I go to bed and in all situations

of life, I always try to check my motivation and be 

mindful and present in the moment. 

— The Dalai Lama in The World of Tibetan Buddhism

Six full days spent in Vesnova with these children has taught me some important lessons.

As the days go by, you enter into this amazing world from which there is really no escape. From the time you get up in the morning until you lay your head down at night, these children are with you.

Walking to your breakfast from Unit 5, you may meet one of the older children waiting to greet you, or waiting to go into the Dining Room for his or her own breakfast.

You may meet the entire group from Unit 7 being brought for their meal, and suddenly you are being hugged, your hands are are Momma or Poppa for that moment, able to dole out the hugs and kisses, and just that little bit of affection in that moment....This is the story of the day...of the week.

These kids live life on a "one week on / three weeks off" pattern..... the "week on" being the time the Irish volunteers are in the orphanage. They then have three weeks of down time.

This means that when you arrive in Vesnova, the kids unleash themselves on you, concentrating all their energies into one week, getting all they can from you, in anticipation of the quiet three weeks to come.

The CCI T shirt means so much to these kids;

 when it arrives one week every month it means smiles, affection, hugs, good times, maybe some sweets or new shoes or clothes.

It may also mean a change of nappy outside the allotted time, a walk outside, time on the see-saw, a football match.

Mainly it means what most kids crave for....attention from someone who loves them...

All you can do is to be with them and bring a little happiness in that moment,

Helping with feeding in Unit 7 will certainly teach you a thing or two.

 These two lads are fascinated by the building work going on outside

Gradually throughout the week I find that I have to work in the here and now, there is no other way. There can be no real plan except to live in the moment. The children are living with you in the moment. However, they have no choice over this, as none of the 162, from 6 years to those in their 30's, are in a position to plan for the future. The future is now for them. All I can do is do my best to bring some happiness in my short time with them.

This requires drawing on reserves - emotional, physical and mental - which you don't realise you have.

However, at the end of each day, as the team meets for dinner, you regain your strength from the group.

The food comes in buckets!!


Many children need help eating

Which to eat....the bread or the shoe...????

Many of the children are bright, intelligent, funny, cheeky.......

Not twice this day 
Inch time foot gem. 
This day will not come again. 
Each minute is worth a priceless gem. 
— Zen Master Takuan quoted in Simple Zen by C. Alexander and Annellen Simpkins

They spend all their time together, and look after each other. This is their world.

No-one comes to visit, except the volunteers from Ireland. The orphanage is about 12 miles from Glusk, the nearest town.

 It's in the middle of a very rural area ; the orphanage is the only building on the road.

The only people travelling to and from Vesnova are the workers....every day...and every month - the volunteers.

 Each child has a story....abandoned by parents......removed from the home by social services....too disabled for parents or grandparents to handle.....alcoholism, marriage break-up etc etc.

 Each child brings his or her own difficulties and problems...some have been there since they were very young, some are recent arrivals. Some have not settled in, even after a number of years.

Some, still miss their families....many never have a visit from anyone...and never will......

If we can do our duty here, the beyond will take care of itself. 
— Mohandas K. Gandhi quoted in The Way to God edited by M. S. Desphande

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